Saturday, January 24, 2009

Abe's Christmas pics..

Abe loves his camera and just for a little while we were able to keep him away from our camera...most of his pics so far are of his face, really close. I think we've even seen the inside of his nose! Eeww!

Abe trying to put a new shirt on as pants! he's trying to do things on his own!

Abe's dog wimpers, barks and makes noise like a vacuum.

Here Abe is with an Abelskiver. Jon gave this to me thinking I could bake muffins in it, but he wasn't really sure what it was. We recently purchased a cast iron skillet, which Jon just loves, (it reminds him of his grandmother's cooking) and he saw this and picked it up. I think we have found a fun tradition in getting a gift for eachother at Christmas that we really don't know what it is. We almost took it back but after doing some research online, we found that it's a German skillet for making dough pasteries. We like to make them with cheese and herbs, blueberries, or any other fruit. It's been a fun gift. Thanks B!

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