Monday, April 6, 2009

Um, Who? "911 Dispatch" she says!!!!....

So, a couple of days ago our son is quietly playing with my cell phone and I don't think anything of it b/c I have my phone to lock out after 2 minutes. I didn't stop to think that I changed it to 5 minutes b/c I was tired of unlocking it if I stopped to do something during those 2 minutes and then had to unlock it again...well you get the point!

Well my phone rings and Abey pushes a button so the call is cut off...I look at the number and it's a local number. I don't usually call back or give a second thought about missed unfamiliar calls, but it was a local number and not many local people call me on my cell.

So, I call the number back and I hear the tail end of ___ dispatch.
I said "who?"
She says, "911 Dispatch"...
Me: Oh my gosh are you kidding?
Her: No mam'...
Me: I am so sorry, my son was playing with my phone...
Her: I am just glad you called back and everything is ok.
Me: Sorry about that, we are ok
(sorry, sorry, sorry, is all I could think and say at the time!!!!)

I am just glad the cops didn't show up at our door. Not that they would have been able to get here right away....last time they were going somewhere up the hill, I saw them walking and they asked how far up it was to a neighbors house. They basically just called it as answering the call, walked back down the hill and went on their way. I have been asked to get a video up of our driveway. I will add it to the list!

Pics to come, just thought I would share our excitement. One day he will laugh about it and then have his children do something like this to him. (by the way, I set of the silent alarm at the bank my mom worked at when I was about his age! How exciting was that!)

1 comment:

Darin Dunn said...

Ha! That would have been a long trip for the police I suspect.